Hpv Treatments For Men - Why Men Can Have Hot Flashes Too
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Hpv Treatments For Men! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.For years women have struggled with menopause symptoms and the challenges aging takes on their bodies. There has been some media coverage about how the tables have turned or in this case possibly equal between the sexes.
What I said. It shouldn't be the final outcome that the actual about Hpv Treatments For Men. You look at this article for info on that want to know is Hpv Treatments For Men.How is Why Men Can Have Hot Flashes Too
We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Hpv Treatments For Men.Men began reporting symptoms of manopause which resembled those of menopause many years ago to their doctors who scoffed at the symptoms at first, but have since realized that manopause is a real condition. So, what is manopause and why is it so important now?
Manopause has been dubbed the term to retell what some think as male menopause. The scientific term for manopause is andropause. The word andropause is formed by combining two Greek words - andro meaning male and pause meaning stop. Andropause is a term used to retell low testosterone or male menopause. It begins with hormonal, physiological and chemical changes that occur in men between the ages of 40 and 55.
In some cases it can occur as early as 35 or as late as 65. The U.S. Food and Drug administration (Fda) estimates that four to five million American men may suffer from low testosterone, but only 5 percent of them are currently being treated.
The renowned distinction between menopause and manopause is the decline of testosterone is gradual in comparison to women where the decrease in estrogen is sudden and ceases in a matter of years. Unlike female menopause, manopause can last for years because of its gradual onset. By the age of 50, 10 percent of men have low levels of testosterone and their testosterone levels will drop over the course of five years. By age 70, more than half of the men are testosterone deficient.
In fact, men lose about one to two percent of their testosterone every year, starting at the age of 30. Some men suffer hot flashes because their testosterone levels have sunk so low. Physicians description that millions of American men suffer the symptoms of manopause without ever knowing it.
The following symptoms are coarse in manopause, but are often dismissed as a general sign of aging: loss of energy, fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats, joint aches and stiffness in hands, changes in hair increase and skin quality, anxiety, memory loss, loss of libido, muscle mass decline, erectile dysfunction, irritability and mood swings, sleep deprivation, increased body fat, reduced muscle mass and strength, decreased bone density and depression.
Some study even suggests that a estimate of men also suffer from hot flashes much like menopausal women if their testosterone level is unusually low. Other complications related with manopause include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
It should be noted that testosterone levels and these symptoms cannot predict whether men will advantage from treatment. There are many conditions that can cause the symptoms related with low testosterone. For example, alcohol abuse, thyroid and other hormonal disorders, liver and kidney disease, heart failure and persisting lung disease can all cause similar symptoms. Depression can cause many of these symptoms in men who have general levels of testosterone.
Men should normally have their doctor part their testosterone levels to ensure that they do not become too high, which can increase the risk of hazardous side effects such as blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.
One of the treatments available to men is Trt (Testosterone exchange Therapy). The most necessary concerns regarding Trt (which is available by prescription only) are the possible effects on the prostate. Increasing testosterone levels can lead to an enlarged prostate and possibly prostate cancer.
Additionally, if being treated with Trt, men should have quarterly bodily examinations and blood tests to monitor for possible damage to their liver, blood and prostate. Sleep apnea has also been found to be a potentially life-threatening side succeed of Trt.
Alternative treatments for low testosterone promote efforts to balance out hormone levels. This includes for example, increased weight-bearing exercises, losing weight, reducing stress, eating healthier with smaller meals, taking calcium supplements, and the possible use of Trt. Keep in mind that all hormones have side effects. The realization is that nature may have a infer for the decline in some of these hormones.
So what should you do if you have symptoms that may show testosterone deficiency? If you are older than 50 and have symptoms, see your doctor. The doctor should first decree whether the symptoms may be caused by other conditions. If not, the doctor should part blood levels of total testosterone. The tests should be done in the morning, when testosterone levels are the highest, and repeated at least once to ensure accuracy.
Medical Disclaimer
Information in this description is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to act as a substitute for curative guidance provided by a fine condition care provider, nor is any information on this topic intended to diagnose, treat, care or forestall any diseases or conditions.
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